
Individual Consulting for a Successful Career Transition

A career change can be challenging for executives, but it also presents new opportunities. Our tailored outplacement program supports senior professionals in strategically advancing their careers—through strategic consulting, professional positioning, and direct access to key market players.

Our Approach: Clear. Structured. Success-Oriented.

With years of experience, we guide executives through the entire transition process—from initial assessment and application strategy to successful integration into their new role.

Our Outplacement Process

  1. 1. Analysis & Positioning

Individual assessment and strategic alignment

The foundation for a successful career transition is a clear understanding of one’s strengths, values, and goals. We help executives evaluate their current situation and develop a compelling positioning strategy.
✔ Personality and competency analysis
✔ Development of a clear career goal
✔ Optimization of CV & LinkedIn profile
✔ Creation of an authentic storyline for interviews

  1. 2. Application Strategy & Market Access

Gezielte Platzierung im relevanten Markt

Wir analysieren Branchen, Zielfirmen und Netzwerke, um passende Optionen zu identifizieren.

✔ Direkte Kontakte zu Headhuntern & Unternehmensnetzwerken
✔ Individuelle Bewerbungsstrategie für den offenen & verdeckten Arbeitsmarkt
✔ Strategische Selbstvermarktung über digitale Kanäle

  1. 3. Interview & Negotiation Coaching

Optimal preparation for the next career step

Executives must present themselves convincingly not only in interviews but also in contract negotiations. We provide targeted training for high-stakes conversations and assessment situations.
✔ Interview training with realistic scenarios
✔ Preparation for case studies and assessments
✔ Coaching for salary and contract negotiations

  1. 4. Decision & Onboarding Coaching

Sustainable success in the new position

The outplacement process does not end with signing a contract. We support executives in quickly and effectively integrating into their new role and setting the stage for long-term success.
✔ Support in contract decision-making
✔ 100-day strategy for a successful start
✔ Follow-up coaching after assuming the new position

Why Our Outplacement?

Individuelle Beratung statt standardisierter Programme
Exklusives Netzwerk zu Entscheidern & Executive Search-Firmen
Erfolgsorientierter Ansatz mit klarem Fahrplan
Langfristige Begleitung für nachhaltige Karriereentwicklung

Ihr nächster Karriereschritt beginnt hier.

Ob Sie sich aktiv auf eine neue Rolle vorbereiten oder sich frühzeitig orientieren möchten – unser Outplacement-Programm bietet Ihnen eine klare Struktur und eine persönliche Begleitung auf Augenhöhe.

Lassen Sie uns über Ihre individuelle Situation sprechen. Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch.

Executive Search:
Targeted executive recruitment

IIn our Executive Search process, we achieve a placement rate of > 90%, presenting our shortlist of candidates within 34 days on average and successfully completing our searches in 90 days. We don’t focus purely on years of experience and the “perfect” technical fit, but rather on people and their competencies. Excellent leaders inspire for change and do not have to be better suited technically than their team!

We fill leadership positions. Permanent and Interim.