Our Blog

Our blog with expertise on leadership and more

To reflect the diversity of leadership topics, the blog spans the entire spectrum of leadership. Here you will find classic leadership topics on the latest findings in leadership behavior and insights into recruitment processes. Here, we as experts share our knowledge in the form of professional articles, interviews on current topics and field reports. You can expect exciting insights into topics such as leadership, personal development and insights into the company Reckers & Griesbach.

  • Generational Management: A New Era in Corporate Leadership
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    "The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to maintain change amid order." This quote by Alfred North Whitehead aptly reflects the challenges that companies face today in integrating various generations under one roof. As the world changes rapidly, the need remains to maintain an order that includes all generations and [...]

  • Interim Management as a Solution for Crisis Management
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    Companies regularly face challenges that are not only complex but also urgent. These situations are particularly exacerbated during times of crisis, in restructuring phases, corporate sales, or the unexpected loss of key leaders. In these cases, interim management can provide crucial support through readily available expertise and leadership skills. Interim managers bring a wealth [...]

  • Effective and Long-Term Oriented Leadership in Times of Crisis
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    In a world characterized by its rapid pace and unpredictability, crisis management has become an essential skill for leaders. But what distinguishes a leader who not only remains steadfast in times of crisis but also shapes the long-term perspective of the company? The Key to Resilience: Proactive Planning A company that maintains its course [...]

  • Interim management & executive search as a strategic solution – Why this combination can mean quick, but especially sustainable success for companies.
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    To support us in filling an Interim CFO position, we were approached through a long-standing network partner from the areas of external consulting and coaching with a request from a biotech company. Cultural fit, alongside professional expertise, was crucial for the selection of the Interim Manager, as some ineffective experiences had been made in [...]

  • From the series: Successful succession planning – corporate culture as a component of succession planning in family businesses
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    Family-owned businesses are distinguished by their unique corporate structure and accompanying corporate culture, as leadership responsibility is often not distributed among many but carried by a single individual. This person stands at the center, possessing in-depth background knowledge, making all decisions, and understanding the company's strategy. When the long-standing management retires or exits due [...]

  • WirtschaftsWoche ranking “Best headhunter 2023”
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    WirtschaftsWoche's ranking for the "Best headhunter 2023" is based on a comprehensive assessment carried out by Christel Gade, a professor at the IU University of Applied Sciences. It was supported by the Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU) and the DFKthe association for specialists and managers. This year, Reckers & Griesbach was once [...]

Note on the page text: For reasons of readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is waived. .