

The Packaging Industry is highly fragmented, both in terms of the number of companies and the materials used. Packaging manufacturers play an intermediary role between the producers of goods and the consumers. They must therefore react quickly to changes in customer requirements.

They develop and produce so-called “packaging materials” ranging from simple packaging, for example for food and everyday consumer goods, to complex transportation systems for chemical substances. Manufacturers use various materials for this: paper, plastics, metal, glass, and wood.

Key figures

German packaging companies generate a turnover of more than 35 billion euros in Germany and abroad. t more than 45 %, paper packaging represents the largest share of sales. However, around 80% of companies also focus on plastic in addition to paper packaging.


The packaging Industry is facing major changes. Whether legislators, consumers or retailers – all stakeholders are exerting more influence and increasing the pressure on manufacturers of products and packaging. The sustainability and reduction of packaging materials must be further intensified.

The energy crisis has once again significantly increased the challenges. In the future, there must be an even stronger focus on new technologies and materials. Innovative ability and creativity are also in demand. We support you in recruiting the right leaders who can contribute these skills and promote them in your company.


The Packaging Industry can also expect crisis-resistant sales in the future. However, which companies benefit from this depends on how well they are prepared for future market challenges.

First and foremost is the trend for sustainability. There is also a need for action due to changing consumer behavior, increasing cost pressure and ongoing market consolidation. In order to meet these challenges and opportunities, managers are called upon to build and develop a resilient and future-oriented organization. We can assist you in recruiting these managers.

We fill leadership positions. Permanent and Interim.