Interim Management Automotive

Interim Management Automotive as a driving force in times of radical transition

The automotive industry is facing more challenging times than any other sector of the economy. Characterized by its long tradition, it has always been a guarantor of success, and yet today, it is facing the greatest possible and most profound structural changes: manufacturers and suppliers alike are faced with declining sales. The weak car market is the result of inflation. The price of a new car has risen, but most people have less money at their disposal. The high cost of energy and food means that people are currently foregoing unnecessary purchases – and this, or course, includes buying a new car.

Automotive industry

Due to high energy prices – the German price of electricity is, on average, 2.5 times higher than in the USA – Germany has become unattractive as a production location. New production plants are being set up outside Germany, especially as climate-friendly technologies are being subsidized in the USA, for example.

It is imperative that the entire automotive industry focus on new forms of drive systems and greater digitalization if it wants to remain a player in the global market of the future. And the time is already pressing. If top positions are vacant in the companies of the automotive manufacturers and suppliers, additional risks quickly arise. This is particularly true in times when there is a shortage of skilled workers and the recruitment process often becomes drawn out. The assignment of an interim automotive manager can provide a great potential solution for such situations. With his technical expertise and innovative input, he can be relied upon to bridge gaps in the management area.

Dynamic boost for companies

In the automotive industry in particular, interim specialists are used to thinking outside the box, breaking new ground and thinking in an innovative manner. Making quick and sound decisions and initiating new organizational restructuring is one of the daily to-dos of every interim manager in the automotive industry.

A good understanding of people and a strong communication skill-set are equally vital, because this is the key to ensuring that employees can identify with the company´s goals. And this is the only approach that will ensure the successful implementation of a future-oriented corporate strategy.

With expertise at your side

Reckers & Griesbach staffs management positions in companies – permanently and on an interim basis. From recruiting to conducting the selection process, we are at your side with professional expertise and a global network. Our mission is to fill your vacant positions with top executives who are a good fit for both you and your company. After all, nothing is more important than having the right person in the right job.

We fill leadership positions. Permanent and Interim.